Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wachovia VCAM

Hi everybody, this is my first post here on my blog. While my website is still under construction, we thought that creating a blog would be a good idea to show some of our work. Not only that, but we could hear everybody's comments, and our clients could see a preview of their videos before they receive the final product.

This first video is an ad for the Current website. Normally, a company offers a product to be advertised, so viewers can create an ad for it. This time, the product was the Way 2 Save program by Wachovia. If your video is chosen to air on Current, you get $2,500. And if it airs anywhere else, you can earn up to $60,000 (that would be really good huh?!).

So I gave it a shot... I started thinking about what to do, but nothing good would come up. Then, I decided to pray about it. So one morning I woke up, and before I could think straight, God gave me the whole idea for the ad. I talked to my girlfriend, and she loved the idea. I wrote the ad, and called some really good friends of mine (who happen to be great actors), Nadia Lemos, Julio Araújo, and Amanda da Silva, and they were very excited to help me with my project.

So this is the final product, which is uploaded on the Current website. So far, I have a good rating for the ad, let's keep voting!!! :)
Hope you enjoy it.

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